Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents represent a unique area of the law. Motorcycles and bicycles are generally governed by the rules of the road applicable to cars and trucks. However, there are instances when the degree of care required of cyclists differs from those of vehicle operators.
We understand the unique problems faced by cyclists. Injuries sustained by cyclists are generally more severe in nature then those sustained of an occupant of a car under the same circumstances. We are experienced in these claims. We are dedicated in obtaining the maximum recovery that you deserve from a cycle accident.
Our Motorcycle Accidents Lawyer will Aggressively Handle your Injury Cases
ShugarLaw is a personal injury lawyer firm in Maryland. We have aggressive automobile accident lawyers, motorcycle accident lawyers, bicycle accidents lawyers, wrongful death lawyers, workers’ compensation lawyers and more.
Words used by visitors that found this page online: Motorcycle Lawyer, Bicycle, Whiplash, Pain, Neck, Spinal, Severe, Negligent, Killed, Serious, Back, Traffic, Leg, Arm, Brain, Injury, Crash, Insurance, Bike, Attorney.